When I started this blog, it was supposed to be deep, and ugly and un-sugar coated and full of tough stuff that I didn't want to post as "myself", so I would do it whilst hiding behind this blog. Well, as you can see that's not going so well, but more often than not, I do have something to bitch about it, so I might as well do it here. There are certain things that I just cannot stand about use of certain words or phrases. For example.
"Seen". If you're going to tell me that you have seen several great movies in the last few months, that's great. But, if you say to me..."Hey, I seen that movie last week!" I'm probably going to assume that you have a 6th grade education, or just don't pay attention. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the grammar police, or perfect by any means, (hence starting a sentence with "But") but I do like to think that when I speak, I sound somewhat intelligent. Besides, it's my blog and I can bitch if I want to.
"French Benefits". So, you just started a new job, and it comes with a gym membership and a discount at your local bookstore? That's awesome! It's Fringe Benefits, you idiot.
"Ugh", or Ugggggh, Ughhhhh, or any other variation of that "word". Because one of my dear friends is quite fond of using it, I'll make an exception to this rule and say that if you use it in a sentence, like "Ugh, I am so tired" or, "Ugh, Minnie is bitching about her damn kid again!", that's a lesser evil. I'm irritated with those people who use "Ugh" as their status on facebook, or as a complete sentence, meant to explain all their thoughts. It's not even a word! It's hardly a noise!
Since I wandered into the world of Facebook postings on that last one, let's go with it. There are quite a few things that bug me about what people do on Facebook, but probably the most annoying is this kind of situation...
A status like "I can't believe this has happened, I am so angry and feel so let down! Ugh!"
28 seconds later, nosey/concerned friend #1 responds with "OMG! What happened? U ok??????", and about 10.3 seconds later, the OP responds with "It's BS, totally don't wanna talk about it"
Really?? Really? Don't wanna talk about it? Well, then you shouldn't have posted it as your damn status message! Oh but wait...then how would people run to your rescue and give you the attention you were obviously craving?
Just a tip, people who truly don't want to talk about things, don't draw attention to them.